Recipe Turban

3 eggs
300g flour
23g sugar
0,185 dl milk (very very little milk)
12g fresh yeast or 4g dry yeast
135g soft cubes of butter (room temperature)
sniff of salt
100g raisins (optional)
300g marzipan (optional)

Food processor or bread maker
Turban tin
This is a brioche style dough (you can choose the ‘brioche’ function if you make the turban with your bread maker)

1) put the flour in a bowl (the bowl of the food processor or the pan of the bread maker), make a dimple and pour in the yeast and milk
2) add the 3 eggs one by one while the food processor or bread maker are kneading
3) add the sugar and pinch of salt
4) add now gradually the soft cubes of butter, let the food processor/bread pan knead for at least 15 min
5) take the bowl/bread pan, cover with a towel and put on a warm place for the first rise – ca. 45 min
6) add the raisins and knead (by hand) for 5 minutes.
7) second rise in your final turban tin (butter the tin if necessary and if you use marzipan, half of the dough in the tin, a roll of marzipan on top and cover with the leftover dough)- until the dough is doubled in volume (ca. 45 min)
8) bake 25 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 180°C during 25 minutes or unless you can jab a knitting needle or skewer in the turban and it comes out clean